The “Experts” predict – Forager Sydney Triathlon League 2
This season, Triathlon NSW staff will be providing their “expert” opinions on how the Triathlon NSW Forager Interclub Leagues will unfold.
The three “experts” are CEO, Adam Wicks (AW). Operations Manager, Chris Cunningham (CC) and Marketing Manager, Alana Leabeater (CL).
All three will be predicting how the league table will finish come the end of the season and which club will win each round. They will predict for each of the eight Triathlon Leagues.
A correct pick is worth one point. Whoever gets the most points over the season will be the winner.
Office bragging rights are on the line!!!
Chris famously predicted that Jervis Bay Dolphins would finish last in their league last season…they went on to win it! So take our predictions for what they are…educated guesses that will more than likely be proven wrong.
Feel free to play along at home.
Forager Sydney Triathlon League 2 predictions
CC – Northern Suburbs, T4, LAPD, FilOz, Lion Island
“NSTC to win the title and over five of the ten events, they will have a great year and as a club are heading in an exciting direction. T4 to be the best of the rest”
AL – FilOz, NSTC, LAPD, T4, Lion Island
“FilOz, I see them training all the time and are a great club. Northern Suburbs will do very well though”
AW – FilOz, Northern Suburbs, LAPD, Lion Island, T4
“FilOz under Joey Guerrero can definitely win the League. NSTC will be very close behind though. I also think LAPD will feature heavily this season”
1st = Northern Suburb Mighty Mites
2nd = Western Sydney FilOz Eagles
3rd = LAPD Lightning
4th = T4 North Bondi Tritans
5th = Lion Island Lions
The Northern Suburbs Mighty Mites to just edge out the Western Sydney FilOz Eagles. LAPD to also be in the race. T4 and Lion Island to have their moments but not be in the title and promotion race.
RD1 Club Champs 2020 – NSTC (CC) FilOz (AL) T4 (AW)
RD2 Wollongong – NSTC (CC) T4 (AL) NSTC (AW)
RD3 Nepean – LAPD (CC) LAPD (AL) FilOz (AW)
RD4 Kurnell #1 – T4 (CC) T4 (AL) LAPD (AW)
RD5 Kurnell #2 – NSTC (CC) LAPD (AL) T4 (AW)
RD6 Richie Walker Aquathlon – NSTC (CC) NSTC (AL) LAPD (AW)
RD7 Sparke Helmore – Lion Island (CC) Lion Island (AL) FilOz (AW)
RD8 Big Husky – FilOz (CC) T4 (AL) FilOz (AW)
RD9 Wollongong – T4 (CC) NSTC (AL) NSTC (AW)
RD10 Club Champs 2021 – NSTC (CC) NSTC (AL) Lion Island (AW)

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