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Forager Funds


About the Sponsor:

Forager Funds is a boutique manager of funds which pursue returns through Australian and International share market investment opportunities. Our aim is to deliver investors returns over the long-term, with a strategy of investing in businesses we believe are undervalued by the share market. We look for unloved and often under-researched businesses. These are opportunities that are suited to our skill set in seeking out performance and business uplift in companies we hope others will miss.

We also believe in inclusion, and that is why individuals can start an investment with Forager for as little as $200 per month.

There are some interesting businesses in both of our funds at the moment – click here to visit our website to find out more.


Why is Forager sponsoring Triathlon NSW Interclub Leagues?

We believe in the values of Tri NSW, and that the inclusion of as many people as possible in sport makes the state a better place. The club network and the way the Interclub Leagues are used to bring a sense of community and competition to members was something we wanted to be involved in. The opportunities Tri NSW affords for youngsters at both a club and elite development level is also something we admire and believe is important. Finally, we consider a lot of the skills and values required to compete in triathlon are aligned with our own business so saw this partnership as a good fit:

  • Consistent approach over the long term.
  • Resilience – there will be tough periods of time.
  • Ongoing learning and learning from mistakes.
  • Teamwork and learning from team members (yes, triathlon is an individual sport, but you don’t get far without training buddies and a good support crew!).
  • Be adaptive to change.
  • You always need a (race) plan and strategy.