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Established 1990


Interclub Finishing Positions

ICL01 = 5th (SW Sydney Division)

ICL02 = 6th (Sydney Triathlon Premier League)

ICL03 = 9th (Sydney Triathlon Premier League)

ICL04 = 1st (Sydney Triathlon League 1)

ICL05 = 6th (Sydney Triathlon Premier League)


Interclub MVPs 

ICL01 = Aimee Carlin (10.5 PTS)

ICL02 = Aimee Carlin (4.5 PTS)

ICL03 = Adam Footit (7 PTS)

ICL04 = Leon Sharp (5 PTS)

ICl05 = Aimee Carlin (8.5 PTS)


Club History

The Panthers Triathlon Club was originally called the Nepean Triathlon Club. Original members included Rod Rogers, Greg Chapman, Sam Scutts, Warwick Brennan, Jim Prendergast, Mark Wallace, Tim McKay, Danny Marshall, Dave Boreham, Steve Taite and John Ross.

The Nepean Club held races in the early 1980s at Tench Reserve on the Nepean River at Penrith, with bikes propped up against fences or whatever else was around.

Who could forget the sight of a 12-year-old Dave Richardson racing the oldies with his DH bars (when no one else had them), and Mrs Taite putting out the cups of water on her fence in River Road for the run leg drink?

Timing of the races was carried out by Ron Richardson, who worked out a spreadsheet to do the calculations before anyone even knew what a spreadsheet was.

As more people joined we decided to get serious and the Panthers Triathlon Club was formed. Racing still took place at Tench Reserve as well as at the original Lakes Development at Castlereagh. At one stage, Ron Denovan, a club member who worked at Pioneer Quarries, arranged us to have the run leg within the quarries and I remember it was like running on the moon, with its heaps of gravel and desolate landscape.

Tim McKay was the one to beat in those days, although Alan Bentley was always up front in the swim leg and juniors such as Brian Lang (and later Trent Chapman) started to make people take notice. We also gained a few lady members – one of the guns was Wendy Sharpe who gained a podium finish in one of the early Nepean triathlons. We also held duathlons at Smith Park at Castlereagh and moved to different lakes within the Lakes Development as they were opened.

Panthers Tri Club has continued to grow and develop – at present the Club’s membership is approximately 160+ active members. Racing is usually held at the Sydney International Regatta Centre, home of the rowing, kayaking and whitewater events in the 2000 Olympics, with the Handicap run every Tuesday evening during Daylight Savings still held at Tench Reserve at the Nepean River.






Panthers of Penrith Career MVP

RankAthleteClubPerformance Points
1Aimee CARLINPanthers32
2John HUGHESPanthers15.5
3Adam FOOTITPanthers14
4Toby CROUDSONPanthers12
5Tony GABORITPanthers10.5
6Sarah MCCONELLPanthers10
7Jack MATTHEWSPanthers10
8Leon SHARPPanthers9.5
9Scotti ROOTSPanthers9.5
10Melissa FANNINGPanthers9.5
11Pauline MCCANNPanthers9
12Mike HISERPanthers9
13Jenny MATTHEWSPanthers8
14Kaitlin BELLPanthers7.5
15Michael SCHWEBELPanthers7
16James SWEENEYPanthers6.5
17Cameron LUKSICHPanthers5
18Chris WARINGPanthers5
19Carolyn VERNONPanthers4.5
20Chris COOPERPanthers4.5
21Rob DRADYPanthers4
22Michelle KURPPanthers3.5
23Craig BURKEPanthers3.5
24Joshua MERCHANTPanthers3
25Nikki BRIANPanthers3
26Michael CAPPADONAPanthers2.5
27Jacky WATSONPanthers2.5
28Glenn MATTHEWSPanthers2.5
29Harry STANCICPanthers2
30Nathan BAILEYPanthers2
31John TAYLORPanthers2
32Cale BROWNPanthers2
33Heather BRAYPanthers2
34Jodie AMORPanthers2
35John LUKERPanthers2
36Troy STEVENSPanthers2
37Ryan WILLIAMS (PAN)Panthers1.5
38Matthew BELLPanthers1.5
39Lili ROTHPanthers1.5
40Cooper KWOKPanthers1.5
41Paul HALLPanthers1.5
42Hannah ROOTSPanthers1.5
43Brayden GRAYPanthers1.5
44Mark WATSONPanthers1.5
45Andy HAYNESPanthers1.5
46Emma THOMPSONPanthers1.5
47Nicole TZIAVARASPanthers1.5
48Jean KING-SMITHPanthers1.5
49Cloe REECEPanthers1.5
50Jake BRUNTPanthers1
51Karen LARMOURPanthers1
52Richard ALLENPanthers1
53David KENTWELLPanthers1
54Samuel WARINGPanthers1
55Alan BENTLEYPanthers1
56Chris JONESPanthers1
57Tony PHIPPSPanthers1
58Carien ROSS (HELBERG)Panthers1
59Sabina SPARKSPanthers0.5
60Greg HALINPanthers0.5
61Ron SIMPSONPanthers0.5
62Sebsatien COLLARDPanthers0.5
63Ethan GRICEPanthers0.5
64Craig BINKSPanthers0.5
65Chris LEDBROOKPanthers0.5
66Aneesha KEESHAPanthers0.5
67Hollie BOLANDPanthers0.5
68Gemma MIDDLEMASSPanthers0.5
69Gordon BELLPanthers0.5
70Linda JOHNSONPanthers0.5
71Gordon MCKENNAPanthers0.5
72Kelvin FRANICHPanthers0.5
73Lilian BRADLEYPanthers0.5
74Belinda SKYRINGPanthers0.5
75Sarah PLUMPTONPanthers0.5
76Tony WILLIAMSPanthers0.5

Forager Sydney Triathlon Premier League (ICL05)

1155185530 (46.5)152260 (85)
215325.5611.530 (33)930 (32)41
3130611.530 (38)30 (32)317.532
4110416430 (32.5)01145
610630 (37.5)10524.55.5031
8104316.5830 (37.5)24.540